We have not exactly "broadcasted" this news to the masses, but when we have told people, we receive varying responses. They can pretty much be summed up in about 3 different ones:
"Wow, that's awesome- I've always wanted to do that!"
"I remember when I did my first half" and then they go into stories about their races and/or a little friendly advice.
or (by far the most common . . .)
For many people running 13.1 miles sounds quite miserable. And part of me totally agrees with that. So I've been pondering that question a little and want to attempt to answer it. So that when I am asking myself at mile 9- why in the world are we doing this? I can give myself some answers. (I do lots of talking to myself while I run)
I run because I can.
Ok I know that sounds so simple but many times when I am running and exercising I think of people in my life that would give anything to be able to run. I think of friends with Lou Gehrig's disease, paralyzed friends, cancer patients, people with severe obesity and on and on it goes. None of us are promised tomorrow. Yes I have lived a healthy life for 37 years but there is no guarantee that will continue. So I run because I am able to run. God has given me my health for today and I will make the most of it. I've always been amazed by athletes and what the human body and mind can do. So I look forward to pushing mine tomorrow to accomplish something it never has accomplished before.
I run because it takes me back to younger years. I was an athlete all throughout jr. high and high school. I had a coach that believed in running. He believed in running for conditioning, training, endurance, and for punishment. If you were an athlete at my school- you ran- like it or not. You ran bleachers, you ran suicides, you ran stairs, you ran laps,you ran the straights and walked the curves. I could not even attempt to begin to calculate the mileage that my teammates and I completed in a season. So now when I run,although it's tough and I do not have the speed and stamina that I once took for granted- it takes me back to a younger, naive and simpler sweet time in my life. And no matter how old I get I think I will always hear Tommy Gunn in my head as I run. "Gun lap, baby!" And I know Terri and many others would agree.
I run because it keeps me sane. I cannot tell you how much more energy and how much clearer I think when I run. I pray as I run, I remember things I need to do that day, think of friends I need to call, get ideas for parenting and writing. There is definitely something to those natural running endorphins that nothing else can match.
I run because If my body can be the home for and deliver 3 baby boys- it can do anything! Enough said about that!
I run because it reminds me that I need to rely on something bigger than myself.
Running is a reminder to me that I don't need to try to do life on my own.I need my Lord and Savior every minute of the day. Without him I am nothing and I can do nothing. Running for me is a spiritual experience. There is something about being outside, praise music in my ears, lungs grasping for air, pounding the pavement, and being in a little bit of pain that is a true worship experience. May sound weird but it is for me. My heart is usually full and thankful after a good run.
I run because-"when I run I feel His pleasure."
To steal a beautiful quote from Eric Liddell in the great movie Chariots of Fire. If you don't know what I'm talking about you should YouTube it.
Labels: running